August 2024 Issue 292

PAGE                         CONTENTS

  3.     ‘About Angels’ from ‘Touched By Angels’ by Cassandra Eason © (2006)  ISBN 13:978-572-03158-9                                                                               

  6.    ‘Exploring Fear’ by Archangel Metatron :~ Natalie Glasson – Omna

  7.    Wisdom from Anthony De Mello S.J.

 8.    Do Unto Others As You Would Be Done By’ Sandy Stevenson,

 9.     ‘Gratitude For Life’  also by Sandy Stevenson.

10.    Ruby’s Spirit Messages ~ Jackie & Jim Lindsay archives                         

12.    Crossword 155 ~ Isabella Russell © Leeton NSW                  

13.   From Birth To Beyond – 2  ~ Silver Birch Q & A  ‘More Philosophy of Silver Birch  ISBN 0 85384 104 7

16.   ‘Love Versus Fear’ by James Van Praagh © ‘Watching Over Us’ ISBN 9781846041921

18.   Amazing Pet Animals ~ A collection from Reader’s Digest 2008

21.   Sensitivity to Solar Storm Activity ~ Gillian MacBeth Louthan                           

24.   Women and Inner Blues + No Time For Chit-Chat ~  Laura Aboli Messages

25.    Let’s Laugh Away Our Stress With Ants ~ Author unknown     

26.   Red Cloud Speaks ~ Trance Teachings received through Estelle Roberts  ‘Red Cloud Speaks’   ISBN 1 874514 00  3     

28.   Wisdom of An Avatar Pt. 69 ~ Bethesda, Courtesy of the late Frank Weaver                                      

30.   Life In The World Unseen (Part 17) ~Anthony Borgia

32.   ‘Hello From Heaven’ by Bill Guggenheim & Judy Guggenheim ISBN 13:978-0-553-37634-4               

35.   A Humorous look at Senior Citizens‘’  plus more jokes 

36.   Outlets where ‘Universal Mind’ Magazines are for sale…